A Stock Calculator can help investors quickly evaluate their stock portfolio's performance, potential gains, or losses.
How to Use the Stock Calculator:
Enter the following values into the respective input fields:
- Initial Stock Price: Enter the price at which the stock was initially bought.
- Final Stock Price: Enter the current or final price of the stock.
- Number of Shares: Enter the total number of shares owned.
Click the "Calculate" button to see the results.
The calculator will display the following results:
- Total Initial Value: The total value of the stock at the initial price.
- Total Final Value: The total value of the stock at the final price.
- Profit/Loss: The total profit or loss based on the initial and final prices.
- Profit/Loss Percentage: The percentage gain or loss.
This simple Stock Calculator helps investors quickly evaluate their stock portfolio's performance and make informed decisions based on the provided stock prices and the number of shares.